Tuesday, 27 March 2018


We looked at how to work co-operatively, making a plan.....generally listening to each other to reach a common goal.
We had the challenge of making the tallest tower from a single sheet of paper and making a structure that would hold the weight of a textbook.  We only had newspaper and sellotape!

Next we looked at corn......what a fascinating vegetable it is too.  

The end product is jolly tasty too!!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Bread Making

What better way to see yeast in action than making some bread!  Year 6s mixed, kneaded and baked a delicious batch of bread.....crusts tasty and reasonably light and fluffy in the middle (thanks to the co2 released).
A tasty way to spend in food tech!

Sunday, 4 March 2018

'Walk n Wheel Week'

Don't forget to try and walk, wheel (scooter, skateboard or ride) to school this week!